How to Deal With All The Negative Feels From The News
Indeed, 2020 seems to be an endless cycle of bad news. We are constantly being bombarded with negativity on social media, news channels, articles, and even news bites from our friends and family. While it is important to stay informed on what is going on around us, it can also be detrimental to our mental health to be constantly reading or watching negative news.

Mindful Morning Routine: A 3-Minute Mind-Body Practice to Start Your Day Right
How we start each morning can have a big impact on the rest of the day. But we all have much to do and think about, so it’s not always easy to find peace in the first few hours. Plus, 20-30 minutes of meditation is daunting for those new to mindfulness or with hectic schedules. But don’t worry. I will walk you through a super quick, super easy mindfulness exercise to help ground you in just a few minutes each morning.

Manifest Love: 5 Steps to Finding Your Best Relationship
Finding a person to share the rest of your life with, who gets you, and makes you happy, is a great joy of living. But some of us feel lost when it comes to good love and wonder when it will happen for us. Finding your best relationship, the kind of love that lasts and is healthy, is about manifesting the type of love you desire. Here are five steps to do just that.

Be Your Own Valentine: 7 Ways to Deepen Your Self Love This Year (and Every Day)
Love. It’s a wonderful part of life we share with other people. But often, we forget there’s another form of endearment that matters most: self-love. So this year, let’s vow to be our own valentines first and foremost. Here are seven ways to do it.

10 Valentine’s Day Ideas More Meaningful Than Candy or Cards
According to Mashable.com, the most popular Valentine’s Day gifts in the U.S. include greeting cards or gift cards, candy, flowers, jewelry, and clothing. These highlight the physical “stuff” aspects of the holiday. And while there’s nothing wrong with that, I want to explore some ideas for this year that address some deeper ways to communicate love.

How to Write a Love Letter to Yourself
Remember passing notes to friends in grade school, or writing love notes to a crush? With the rise of iPhones and other technology, physical writing is less common now, but there is still a place for notes and letters. They can be more intimate, personal, and thought-out—like handwritten love notes or longer love letters… but what if you wrote one to yourself? It might seem odd at first, but it’s powerful.

Hi there! I'm Dr. Aprile Andelle. I'm a licensed psychotherapist (LMFT), solution focused mental health coach and advocate specializing in online therapy (virtual counseling) for love and relationships, plus mental health stressors such as trauma, anxiety, depression, stress, and burnout. But don't worry, with me, therapy and mental health support is meaningful and life-changing. Come dive in with me!
Don’t miss a thing.
Mindful Morning Routine: A 3-Minute Mind-Body Practice to Start Your Day Right
How we start each morning can have a big impact on the rest of the day. But we all have much to do and think about, so it’s not always easy to find peace in the first few hours. Plus, 20-30 minutes of meditation is daunting for those new to mindfulness or with hectic schedules. But don’t worry. I will walk you through a super quick, super easy mindfulness exercise to help ground you in just a few minutes each morning.
20 Easy Self-Care Ideas for Your Mind, Body, and Soul
Are you taking time each day to care of yourself? For some people, the answer to this question has been “no” for a long time. In fact, many people think they are too busy for self-care, and perhaps they believe they don’t even deserve it. But you do! You do deserve to take time for yourself. And the truth is: taking care of yourself is your foundation. You must be nourished first, otherwise everything connected to you can’t flourish to its full potential. Here is a list of 20 easy self-care ideas you can start today.
How to Focus on What Really Matters in Life
Many of us suffer from shiny object syndrome — meaning, we can find ourselves distracted by the “next new thing” that pulls us away from what really matters in life. Not to say new is bad. No, sometimes we need “new” and we need a change to move on to a better state. But other times, we can latch onto the next new thing no matter where we are. And in the process, what truly matters can suffer, including our health, spirituality, or finances. It’s times like this when focusing on the bigger picture is important. Here are some steps to re-focus on what really matters.
Appointment Etiquette
It is truly an honor to be a part of people’s lives as they move from pain to purpose. It becomes my purpose. That’s why I take sessions so seriously. When working with clients, not only are the topics at hand serious, but the progress and forward movement can change your life. To work with me, I need your full attention and commitment. I call this the Client Manifesto. You’re ready to begin when all these things align.
What’s in a Name?
So, it is with a lot of effort that I look back on the delay of “formally” announcing my name change. But this is a big decision that is destined to change my life, so I courageously choose to step forward and share the story with you now. It begins in honor of the strong women in my family.
7 Natural Ways to Fight Mental Fatigue
When you’re anxious or depressed, it can feel next to impossible to fight mental fatigue and summon the energy to function for the day. So above all else, be kind and patient with yourself. When you’re lacking energy, for whatever reason, it’s your body trying to tell you something. Whatever the reason, there are some natural ways you can help yourself get back into a natural balance. Here are eight places to start.
Should You Take a Break from Facebook?
Times are different now than a decade ago. It used to be possible to finish working for the day and go home to “unplug.” But now that we have smartphones and social media, such as Facebook, it’s possible to stay connected all day. And if you aren’t sure how to best set boundaries around that, it can be draining, especially on the soul. Plus, there’s a strange irony about Facebook. Hundreds of “friends” are at our fingertips, and we can look into part of their lives — and let others know what’s up with us — at any moment. And studies have shown that Facebook can actually make people lonelier. So, is it possible to use Facebook in a healthy way? It is! Here are some tips to keep in mind.
4 Ways to Use Your Smartphone for Mental Health
Did you know you can actually use your smartphone for mental health? Most of what you read these days about the connection between smartphones and health is pretty negative. You’ll hear about phones making us more disconnected, less in the moment, disrupting our sleep, etc…
And while it is a good idea to spend regular time away from your phone, there’s actually a positive side to that little device! You have a lot of convenience at your fingertips—and access to FREE content—that can help you when you need it. Check out some ways I’ve discovered you can use your smartphone to your advantage regarding your mental health.
4 Ways to Create an Abundance Mindset
It’s really common in our society to focus on what’s lacking. Just look at advertisements or billboards. We’re told we need the newest car, the best phone, a better body, more wealth, etc. etc. etc. This can create a perception of scarcity in which we never have enough. It can also make us feel like our own self-worth is fleeting and we must always compete or attain more to maintain it. This can then make it very hard to be happy where we are or feel like we can change our situation. But when you have a mindset of abundance, you’re more inclined to see the bigger picture. It opens up the ability to be at ease with where you are now while working towards any changes you’d like to see in your life. So, how do you cultivate an abundance mindset? Here are some places to start.
Can You Really Share Everything In An Hour?
There are some who live the charmed life. But for others, life has been hard. Sometimes, you’ve been dealt bad cards. Awful stories, tragic stories… of wrongs and ills done to you that you NEVER deserved. Awful pain, awful memories. Loved ones lost. Tragic events and circumstances that have crumbled your world. Overwhelming, exhausting stress. Bad habits that seem impossible to break. Faith broken. Heart broken. Feeling bruised and wounded. Living life around and around circles that never seem to go anywhere. These are difficult conversations… but here’s what happens if you work with me. You open up and share about your life, in an hour, and beyond.
The Power of Positive Thinking
Did you know how you think has a ton of power over your happiness? It’s true. How we think shapes how we act, how we react, and ultimately, how we create our destiny and fulfill our purpose. Although you can’t change certain things that happen—or have happened to you in the past—each day, you choose how to respond to them. It might not feel that way at first, but a little practice with positive thinking makes a huge difference. Here’s how to start.
6 Nourishing Morning Rituals
Morning is a great time to start practicing better self-care and start your day on a more grounded note, as you move from your state of rest to an active day. Try adding in some of these practices to your daily morning routine. If it seems like a lot, start with just one at a time! This practice is all about working at your own pace. Here are six nourishing morning rituals you can use to start your day off right today.