Finding a person to share the rest of your life with, who gets you, and makes you happy, is a great joy of living. But some of us feel lost when it comes to good love and wonder when it will happen for us. Finding your best relationship, the kind of love that lasts and is healthy, is about manifesting the type of love you desire. Here are five steps to do just that.
Love. It’s a wonderful part of life we share with other people. But often, we forget there’s another form of endearment that matters most: self-love. So this year, let’s vow to be our own valentines first and foremost. Here are seven ways to do it.
According to, the most popular Valentine’s Day gifts in the U.S. include greeting cards or gift cards, candy, flowers, jewelry, and clothing. These highlight the physical “stuff” aspects of the holiday. And while there’s nothing wrong with that, I want to explore some ideas for this year that address some deeper ways to communicate love.
The relationships we have with those around us — with our spouses, our children, other family members, our best friends, or our co-workers — are a huge part of what shapes us. And the important ones are worth taking time to nurture and make a priority in your life. Maintaining good relationships can help keep us connected, grow trust and respect, and improve our productivity. It can also take a lot of hard work. So here are some ways you can continually pour love into the important relationships in your life.
Sometimes, the best decisions for us are the hardest. And self-care can sometimes mean letting go of toxic relationships that don’t promote harmony in our lives. You hold the power to choose who you allow into your space and into your life. Be honest with yourself and truly consider if it’s time to learn to move on — to let go of what’s holding you back. Here are some important things to consider.
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