3 Ways to Use Music for Anxiety

3 Ways to Use Music for Anxiety

Music is amazing for mental health. It has the ability to soothe and de-stress. Everyone has their own taste in music, of course, but most people will agree it has a therapeutic effect on them. And that effect can influence both our bodies and our minds. Especially if the music is slower and calming. For this reason, music can also be really helpful for those who struggle with anxiety. Here are three ways music is beneficial for anxiety.

4 Ways to Create an Abundance Mindset

4 Ways to Create an Abundance Mindset

It’s really common in our society to focus on what’s lacking. Just look at advertisements or billboards. We’re told we need the newest car, the best phone, a better body, more wealth, etc. etc. etc. This can create a perception of scarcity in which we never have enough. It can also make us feel like our own self-worth is fleeting and we must always compete or attain more to maintain it. This can then make it very hard to be happy where we are or feel like we can change our situation. But when you have a mindset of abundance, you’re more inclined to see the bigger picture. It opens up the ability to be at ease with where you are now while working towards any changes you’d like to see in your life. So, how do you cultivate an abundance mindset? Here are some places to start.

Can You Really Share Everything In An Hour?

Can You Really Share Everything In An Hour?

There are some who live the charmed life. But for others, life has been hard. Sometimes, you’ve been dealt bad cards. Awful stories, tragic stories… of wrongs and ills done to you that you NEVER deserved. Awful pain, awful memories. Loved ones lost. Tragic events and circumstances that have crumbled your world. Overwhelming, exhausting stress. Bad habits that seem impossible to break. Faith broken. Heart broken. Feeling bruised and wounded. Living life around and around circles that never seem to go anywhere. These are difficult conversations… but here’s what happens if you work with me. You open up and share about your life, in an hour, and beyond.