How to Focus on What Really Matters in Life

How to Focus on What Really Matters in Life

Many of us suffer from shiny object syndrome — meaning, we can find ourselves distracted by the “next new thing” that pulls us away from what really matters in life. Not to say new is bad. No, sometimes we need “new” and we need a change to move on to a better state. But other times, we can latch onto the next new thing no matter where we are. And in the process, what truly matters can suffer, including our health, spirituality, or finances. It’s times like this when focusing on the bigger picture is important. Here are some steps to re-focus on what really matters.

Appointment Etiquette

Appointment Etiquette

It is truly an honor to be a part of people’s lives as they move from pain to purpose. It becomes my purpose. That’s why I take sessions so seriously. When working with clients, not only are the topics at hand serious, but the progress and forward movement can change your life. To work with me, I need your full attention and commitment. I call this the Client Manifesto. You’re ready to begin when all these things align.

6 Ways to Nurture Your Loving Relationships

6 Ways to Nurture Your Loving Relationships

The relationships we have with those around us — with our spouses, our children, other family members, our best friends, or our co-workers — are a huge part of what shapes us. And the important ones are worth taking time to nurture and make a priority in your life. Maintaining good relationships can help keep us connected, grow trust and respect, and improve our productivity. It can also take a lot of hard work. So here are some ways you can continually pour love into the important relationships in your life.

What’s in a Name?

What’s in a Name?

So, it is with a lot of effort that I look back on the delay of “formally” announcing my name change. But this is a big decision that is destined to change my life, so I courageously choose to step forward and share the story with you now. It begins in honor of the strong women in my family.

7 Natural Ways to Fight Mental Fatigue

7 Natural Ways to Fight Mental Fatigue

When you’re anxious or depressed, it can feel next to impossible to fight mental fatigue and summon the energy to function for the day. So above all else, be kind and patient with yourself. When you’re lacking energy, for whatever reason, it’s your body trying to tell you something. Whatever the reason, there are some natural ways you can help yourself get back into a natural balance. Here are eight places to start.